Thursday, March 26, 2020

How Can You Use The English Learning Slogan?

How Can You Use The English Learning Slogan?The English learning slogan is a good piece of creative advertising that aims to create a positive and uplifting environment for learners. This type of advertising is used in various parts of the world. The best part of using this type of marketing technique is that it is not only used by learning institutions but is also used by companies and schools to promote themselves and attract students.If you do not want to be known as the one with the most expensive English course, you must use the English learning slogan. You should design your ad by keeping in mind the target audience, target budget and target audience. If you are going to promote your organization or a particular school, you should include your company logo and/or the name of the school. Thus, you have created a common identity with the slogan.This English teaching slogan should be short and catchy. It should tell the audience the important part of your teaching method. It shoul d also tell them about the unique teaching method that is going to differentiate you from the rest.A great English teaching slogan can also tell the audience that your English teaching method is so unique that there is no other such method which can teach such an important subject like English. It can also introduce your method and style of teaching that are unique and different from the rest. This will help you get more attention from potential customers and the parents who wish to enroll their children for English lessons.English teaching slogans are also used as a marketing tool by schools and companies. For example, the multinational company Vodafone has created a slogan that can be used to promote its educational program. 'Learn More, Earn More'. It shows that even the most successful corporations take the market seriously.You can find English teaching slogans on many sites on the internet. Just remember to select the best one that suits your needs. In fact, it is very importan t to make sure that the slogan used does not already exist, and your target audience will know about it.The English teaching slogan will definitely help your business and your organization gain more market share. All you need to do is to tweak your creative slogan and give it a brand new appearance.

Friday, March 6, 2020

3 Maps to Help You Pick the BEST Road Trip Songs [2016 update]

3 Maps to Help You Pick the BEST Road Trip Songs [2016 update] Suzy S. Bad news: Its August, and summer is halfway over.  Good news: Theres still plenty of time for a summer road trip! And of course, no road trip is complete without a playlist. The best road trip playlist  includes  songs to sing along with, songs to keep you energized, and songs that will appeal to everyone in the car (no easy feat!). So lets get to work. Grab a map, and mark the states youll be driving in. Then, check out our maps below:  just for kicks, the first map lists the  official (and some unofficial) state songs for all 50 US states. In case  you dont want to be blasting those songs, you have  two more maps to choose from. The second map offers road trip songs based on famous musicians from each state; the third map features OUR new picks for state songs. If you want to go the extra mile (pun intended), upload all three road trip playlists and hit Shuffle. You may even discover some new favorite songs! Dont agree with our picks? Think we should replace one song with another? Sound off in the comments we want to hear your thoughts! State Songs Across the US Whats your states official song? If you want to start with some patriotic spirit, add these tunes to your playlist. (Note: some states have multiple state songs, both official and unofficial.)   50 Famous Musicians From Each US State Next up,  we handpicked a famous musician with ties to each state, and a well-known song from that artist.  This ones a mixed bag: depending on your route, you may be blasting a country crooner  or boy band pop! State Songs for 2016 (Our New Picks!) We all know about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So in our final map  of road trip songs, were taking some creative liberties. If WE were choosing the official state songs across the US, heres what we would recommend. And again, youll get a nice mix of genres and styles with this playlist! Whats On YOUR Road Trip Mix? Whether your wanderlust takes you to the golden beaches of the West Coast, the rolling plains of the Midwest, or even back in time to the battlefields of the South or colonial settlements of the Northeast, nothing says good times like scenic drives with  your favorite people. And from country to hip-hop and jazz to rock, there’s something in these road trip playlists  for every type of music-lover. Now, its your turn.  Do you agree with our road trip songs? What famous musicians did we miss for your state? Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment below! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

10 Tips to Better Communicate in Online Tutoring

10 Tips to Better Communicate in Online Tutoring Current is the trend of online tutoring where lots of students are new to the technology used to deliver virtual classes. Virtual classroom share many similarities to physical classroom, however, the main difference is the way of communication. The online tutoring services use interactive whiteboard attached with computer is used to read and write lessons supplemented with live chat box. They may provide Voice based tutoring with VoIP technology. Here are 10 tips to communicate better in online tutoring: Use colored pens   Use various color pens to write on whiteboard. It will keep your communication easily readable and visually organized Use pointer as often as possible for effective online tutoring  The student may not find out quickly the movement of your mouse showing whiteboard. Use pointer tool to guide the student with clear visibility to locate tutor activity. Use of pointer will be less strenuous to your eyes Student takes permission to read  write and draw while tutoring. The student should remain active with reading and writing activities while tutoring. Wise Last Minute Revisions Lead To Better Scores In Exams Student should not feel shy asking queries doubts, and solutions to the online tutor. You can ask tutors experience, general knowledge on the subject, helpful online resources, etc. Ensure that you do not cross the line asking personal o private information. Be genuine with the tutor You can ask tricky questions but do not examine tutor knowledge at each stage. When tutor ask questions, do not seek answer from your family member or friend prompting sitting beside you. Do give positive feedback. Do not be over confident. Make use of resources to best utilise online tutoring You can access all possible resources during your tutoring hours. Leverage the power of internet to get useful study material and resources under the guidance of your online tutor. Convey your attention to your tutor through live chatting With non voice based tutoring, tutor cannot see your facial expression, body language or voice to ensure your presence. Be attentive with feedback on live chat box. It will create more live classroom. Top 10 Tips To Help With Math Homework â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) February 19, 2016 Continuously give feedback while tutoring Affirm your tutor with gestures and verbal communication. For example, draw various smiley gestures to convey your understanding and difficulties. It will show your genuineness. Avoid giving negative feedback Avoid using feedback of your incomplete understanding using negative phrases. Refrain your negative feedback with good phrases like teacher, please explain it again. If you are taking VoIP based tutoring then takes turns and halts while talking VoIP technology may not be fast during heavy network traffic. If you want to ask question then wait until tutor finishes speaking to avoid interruption. Follow these practice while tutoring online, it is sure to get best communication with best delivered learning. Tutorpace Inc. is Texas based online tutoring service provider offers various education programs using state-of-art technology. The K-12, college, library and test preparation programs are delivered using interactive whiteboard with live chat box. Visit online tutoring websites to find lot more features that it offers to the students under the guidance of qualified online tutors.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Tutoring Can Help Your Chemistry Student

How Tutoring Can Help Your Chemistry Student How Tutoring Can Help Your Chemistry Student If your student attends a high school with a required chemistry course, or if your student elected to take chemistry and finds himself or herself struggling to master concepts of nomenclature and stoichiometry, its time to take initiative with a plan to get your student the chemistry help he or she needs for success in the classroom and beyond. But first, why is success in a high school chemistry class so important? The fundamentals of chemistry are required for many college majors, including health sciences, bioengineering, and biology, and basic level chemistry is highly suggested for an even larger number of majors. Many colleges see chemistry courses as integral to an education, based on chemistrys role in our daily lives and its relevance to a wide variety of careers. Even if your student goes on to major in English or Theater, a basic understanding of chemistry will be relevant throughout his or her life. For example, did you know that chemistry fundamentals can be applied to anything from using laundry detergent to working as a hairdresser? In addition, while a chemistry course will likely be required during a students freshman or sophomore year for applicable majors, the challenge of adjusting to the pace of university-level lectures, reading requirements and lab procedures can be made substantially easier with prior knowledge of basic chemistry, mastered in a high school course. How can you help your student succeed in chemistry? Seek out chemistry help through a professional tutoring service. In addition to discussing your studentschallenges in the course in an open, positive conversation and contacting their teacher for additional insight or supplementary resources, the Huntington Learning Centers structured tutoring program, specifically designed for chemistry help, tackles every aspect of a students chemistry struggles with individual tutoring from highly-qualified instructors. Most students perform poorly in chemistry for reasons a professional tutoring service can help address or redirect. According to studies, the most common reasons for failure in chemistry courses are procrastination in homework and test preparation, lack of comprehension of reading materials, inadequate math preparation (basic algebra is a must), relying on others to do assignments (or do the thinking for them), and simple fear of failure. At Huntington, our chemistry tutoring program addresses each of these barriers to success. With a structured tutoring schedule, your student will now have allotted time to work on current assignments in a comfortable, yet focused environment. Our tutors will explain reading materials in further detail and provide a space for students to ask clarifying questions, which they may be reluctant to do in class. Further, we can help bring your student up to speed with the math essentials for the course, and at Huntington, your student will engage in his or her own critical thinking, without relying on lab partners or other classmates to help them understand the work. Finally, we pride ourselves on creating a positive atmosphere of support and encouragement. If fear of failure and anxiety are your students greatest concerns with chemistry, we can help your student become more confident and assured of his or her abilities in no time. Whats more, your students improved test scores and comprehension in class will be sure to improve his or her overall attitude towards the subject. Let the Huntington Learning Center be your students solution for chemistry help this school year. Visit us online to learn more about our services for chemistry help, or call today at 1-800-CAN-LEARN to speak with a friendly educational representative.

ACT Math Strategy Series [Part 3 of 3]

ACT Math Strategy Series [Part 3 of 3] ACT SAT Prep and College Admissions Blog Math is a subject that most students either love or hate. In either case, preparing thoroughly for the Math section of the ACT is important in order to do your best. If math is not your strongest subject, building a solid foundation of understanding will be important for maintaining a decent overall score. If math comes easily for you, reviewing will still be important in order to fill in the gaps in your knowledge, especially if you want your score to truly reflect your ability. Either way, this series of posts gives you valuable strategies that will help you maximize your score. This post is the third of a three part series that looks at strategies for acing the ACT Math section. Strategy #7: Recognize Obvious Shortcuts Often problems that appear to involve laborious calculations will actually be quicker to answer if you recognize shortcuts. For example, 256/64 is obviously 4 if you know your powers of 2. Other problems might be quicker to solve if you merely approximate the answer, which may get you close enough to recognize the correct answer from among the given choices. The more you practice with the specific types of problems that show up on the ACT, the more easily you will be able to recognize shortcuts when they are available (and the less likely you will be to waste time looking for them when they don’t exist). Strategy #8: Check Obvious Answers It doesn’t hurt to glance at the answer choices before attempting to solve a problem and check for any that appear to be obviously correct or obviously incorrect. Of course, if an answer choice appears to be obviously correct you should still verify it for yourself, as well as confirm that the other choices are not correct. Conversely, if an answer is obviously incorrect, you can eliminate it, which can make it easier to identify the correct one. Strategy #9: Use Strategic Guessing On the ACT there is no penalty for guessing, so there is no reason to not answer every problem. Guessing works best if you can stack the odds in your favor by eliminating as many incorrect answer choices as possible. On some problems you may be able to guess and check. If the answer is a number, it makes sense to guess the middle one first, because if it doesn’t work you may be able to tell if you need to go higher or lower. This will often be faster than starting at the highest number and going down or starting at the lowest number and going up. Dane Dormio is an online tutor and blogger with an unconventional approach to education. Visit his tutoring blog at hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, 'a519c073-790d-4c67-b0fd-7095f1869478', {});

Contracts 101 9 key things that should be in your teach abroad contract

Contracts 101 9 key things that should be in your teach abroad contract So, you nailed that interview and have a job offer in your ideal location, congrats! All that's left is to sign on the dotted line. Easy, right? Not so fast! I know it might feel like a like a drag at first, but reading through your contract before you start your teaching job is essential to helping you understand exactly what to expect from your new role. We know that for first-time teachers abroad, reviewing your contract can seem like a daunting process. How can you be sure you're getting a good deal? That’s where this video, hosted by our resident contracts expert, Graeme, comes in. Stay tuned while he walks you through the 9 things you should check for when reviewing your new teaching contract. Before we dive in, here are few things to keep in mind when reviewing your offer letter or contract for the first time: The length of the document will vary depending on the country your new role is located in (with schools in China, for example, offer letters may be as long as 20 pages!) Some of the terminology used to refer to bonuses or accommodation allowances will vary from country to country You might not see the benefits listed on the original job description on your offer letter If you’re uncertain about anything at all, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Placement Coordinator for an explanation. That’s what we’re here for! Short on time? No worries! Before you sign on the dotted line, here are the key takeaways from the video above: 1. Salary Your monthly gross salary must be stated in your contract and it should also specify whether the amount listed is before or after tax. It should also say whether you’ll be paid in local currency or USD, and whether your salary will be deposited into a local bank account or an account back at home. One final thing: your contract should state when you can expect to be paid each month. Take it from me - this info is super important in helping you budget accordingly when you first arrive in your new country! 2. Vacation Your vacation allowance must be included. You may want to do some quick research to confirm this adheres to the national holiday entitlement, and also check what statutory holidays you can take. You might also want to check with your employer on whether you get a choice of which days to take. They might have restrictions on when teachers can take time off, depending on the time of year. 3. Flights Schools often contribute towards the cost of your flight, either partially or in full. The contract should explain how the cost of flights will be covered, whether they will be directly purchased by the school or reimbursed later. 4. Accommodation Many schools offer teachers a housing allowance, many cover accommodation expenses in full, and some even arrange housing for you. If accommodation is provided, it’s worth checking whether you get a choice of housing, if you’ll have to share with roommates and whether utility bills will be covered. If you get a housing allowance, check that it’s not included in your base salary. Your contract should state how much housing allowance you’ll receive and how frequently. Does your contract specify whether your allowance gets paid to to you or to your landlord directly? Does your contract state that you will have to pay the deposit? Will your employer assist you in finding a place to live? These are all questions you can ask your Teach Away Placement Coordinator to clarify with your new employer if they’re not covered in your contract. Tip: Don't forget to look up the cost of renting an apartment in the area near your school to help you figure out what your living expenses will be like when you move overseas. Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. 5. Healthcare If you’ve been promised medical insurance, this should also appear in your contract. It should mention the period and extent of coverage, or at least how to find out this information. 6. Dependents If you’re relocating with a family, a contract should confirm what costs, if any, will be covered, such as their flights and school fees. 7. Contract length The majority of teaching contracts last for at least one school year, but increasingly contracts are for two years or more, often with benefits such as bonuses for completion. 8. Contract termination ? Your contract must also explain what will happen if you terminate your contract before it ends and what this will mean for you and (if applicable) your spouse and dependents. All checked off? Great, you can now relax a little, knowing your contract forms the basis of a great teaching position. Remember, if you’ve recently been offered a teaching job abroad through Teach Away, your Placement Coordinator will be happy to go through your contract with you, so don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Just getting started with your job hunt? Check out the five key qualities hiring schools are looking for in a teach abroad candidate - and see whether you fit the bill.

What Its Like To Take Your First College Test

What It's Like To Take Your First College Test Via ( You have assigned reading for a reason. Your professor didn’t make you buy a textbook and let it sit at your desk with no purpose other than to hurt your bank account. Your lectures, homework, and exam grades all ride on the simple task of reading. Instead of rushing to your room after class to catch up on the next Netflix episode, skim through the chapter and highlight what interested you about the reading. You’ll be able to input your thoughts during the discussion and impress your professor. 2. Did you talk in class? Via ( Giving your opinion and asking questions is probably the easiest thing you can do. Professors like students that speak up and discuss. It’s a high school “teacher’s pet” move, but it’s a smart move in college. Other students might have similar thoughts and questions; they’ll even appreciate that you took one for the team and spoke first. Easier said than done, of course. The intimidation of talking in a room full of strangers is real, but so is not knowing the answer to the question. If you really aren’t comfortable with speaking up in class, write down any questions and email your professor or stop by to discuss during their office hours. Your effort outside of class may even be rewarded with a few extra points on your grade. 3. Dont go out.   Via (Giphy) Learn from my mistakes, y’all. Do not, under any circumstance, go out before a test. A no-brainer, huh? Well, yours truly was obviously not prepared for college. I’d just moved to a new city for college, I went out and had dinner with a cousin. That turned into a night of bars and clubs, naturally. Next thing I knew, I was crashed out on her couch with no way of getting back to campus. Luckily, I have the best friend you can make in college who picked my hungover ass up and took me back to my dorm room. I then had the genius idea of checking my planner and realized my first midterm exam of my college life was in 15 minutes. It didn’t matter that I’d taken the fastest shower in recorded history and Usain Bolted to my class because I was two minutes late and my professor had locked the doors. I made the lesser known walk of shame to my room. The story has a happy ending, however, because my professor offered the class a recovery exam to replace the lowest test grade. Still, I was traumatized about the whole thing that I didn’t go out again for three months. To this day, I make it a point to check my agenda before I even think about going out. 4. Layouts matter. Via (Giphy) How you’re getting tested is important to know, too. Depending on your class material, your professor may give you questions in essay or multiple choice format. Your professor may assign a day to review in the syllabus. If you don’t pay attention at any other point in the semester, please pay attention to this one given day as a one-time refresher on what will be on your first college test. If the exam is in essay format, your professor will want to know what you took away from class discussions and topics. Formulate a study guide with opinionated answers and write down anything you can remember or research on. If the exam is in multiple-choice format, you’ll probably want to use note cards as your study guide. Write down definitions, important names and dates, key facts, and topic summaries. If you can connect descriptions to words, you’ll have an easier time taking your test. 5. Grading styles help. Via ( Curves, in all sense of the word, are my favorite. Professors know that college students are not prepared for college-level work. Don’t feel bad about how badly it went because they may pity you and add points to your grade. Although this may not seem fair to the ones who studied intensely, their grade will just get better so it’s a win-win for everyone. 6. Incentives work. Via (Giphy) If having good grades isn’t important enough to you, remember that there’s ice cream in the freezer waiting for you after that one hour of hell. It helps, I promise. Your rewards after having survived your first exam will be much sweeter. Obviously, you could just collect your prize now and go to your exam with a happy belly, but the psychology of setting a reward and earning it is much more satisfying. Your first exam is not just your first exam it’s a holistic preview of the semester. If you fail because you don’t study, I don’t have to tell you what happened there. If you prepare for the worst, you’ll have a better chance of acing your first college test. May the odds be ever in your favor, friends.